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Blending In to Stand Out

In a world where we are encouraged to stand out, how might blending in be more advantageous for a brand?

Seems like a trick question because we now live in a niche world. Finding your niche will surely get you on a fast-track to owning your craft and gaining exposure.

I took some time to reflect on this question and realized that blending in is essential for a thriving brand. However, if not careful, can be a roadmap to a tangled brain full of misunderstandings.

Strategy forces a line in the sand.

You have a choice here. One side is strategy and the other is a bucket of assumptions. Integrating your brand with strategy goes beyond building trust, credibility, and showcasing yourself as an expert. When focusing on the underlying goal, you can create an unbreakable bond between you and your clients.

How do we get there?

Think about traveling. Let’s say you and your friends are having a beach day in Chicago. Do you take a car and drive? Maybe. But have you thought about finding parking? Do you have a heavy load to carry with you? Would the CTA get you there faster?

The thing about getting from one point to your target point, is that there are always options to get you there. This concept rings true when you tailor your brand to speak the language of your ideal client.

That’s where strategy and human connection comes into play.

You want to stand out to your ideal client and blend in with what their wants, needs, desires, and values are.

A perfect match.

The idea of “getting there” is as plentiful as all the means of traveling. Sure, you can take many different routes and get to the same location. But what if you spent the effort to study your options and learn which route will be the most efficient, safest, and maybe have some nice views along the way? 

That’s brand strategy. Looking into the lens of your ideal client and learning who they are, what they value, and how they operate so that you know how to light up your path as the sure-fire way to a memorable brand.

This blending in to stand out concept came when I took a closer look at the photo my husband took of me standing up against this eye-catching mural in Houston, TX. If you look at the top half, it may seem busy or chaotic. And when you look at the bottom half, it may seem centered or balanced.

And then there’s me. Unexpectedly blended smack dab in the center of what shows the care and warmth of the mural. The core mission.

The AHA moment shortly followed. THAT is where we need to be for the brands we want to work with. Right in their heart strings, completely blended in. And by maintaining that core, there’s no limit to how creative and expressive you can bring beyond that. Bring on the skyline, the bold outlines, the bright colors, you name it!

And finally, once you get to your destination, celebrate the expressions that make your brand complete. The detail, the colors, the creativity. Just don’t forget where you started to get to that point. We all have our own routes, but somewhere in yours is blended in the center of your mission.

Let’s capture it!

